Friday, 26 June 2009


This morning, I attempt to save this sick mother mentioned sth like it needs to be hanged to grow. it goes.

Not balanced..but whatever..

And then..seeing my poor balancing acts, she got interested and took the situation into her own hands.

Ok, at least now it's balanced..

Then I brought Jammer for a walk..He has already received some leftover food and toiletries from two fellows who unfortunately passed away. It's inevitable..but it still saddens me to know that in the near future.....hai...

'Can I bribe you?' - Kat

'NO!! You think $10 can bribe me???!! You nuts?' - Jam
'Run ahhh!' - Jam

'Ok..let's rest.' - Jam

Today is Friday...

another time another day..

I want to bake something and have a cup of tea.


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