We finally head down to Ma Maison again. And the squid ink spag is AMAZINGLY DELICIOUS!! hahaha. Too bad I can't have free flow of it.
And somehow you guys can really take my blues away. I love your teasings, blurness, laughters, huhs, icecream (according to hw in exact words)! And I won't go down as huh-huhs. Why should I have two huhs when you guys are more buang than me??! hmph
And darling wen..so sorry my camera ran out of batt. I should've taken a pic of you and the presents. Hope you like both of them. LOL. -.-''
From Left to Right, The current NO.1 blur queen, The ex/not-so-blur-today blur queen and the erm...always blur queen going yoyoyo.
There are a few stupid pics in between. My face was left out in the foreground when I took them ...I knew it, tsk tsk!
Then..camera died. End of story.
Love to laugh and share with you all. And we have to have a grad trip together! Enough said. Thanks to my babies for making my day. And don't say I look like Auntie ah hl, coz there's no use. MuahahahA.
With lots of love,
1 comment:
i absoultely heart u toooo my darling!! thanks for e sweet and heartwarming post! and no one agrees ur the ex- blur queen. how can it be?!! ur as buang as me! meeting up this sat sooon? :)
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